Thursday, January 14, 2010

Enlarging Ty's Worldview

The biggest change I've experienced as a mom is perspective. My worldview is different with Tyrus in tow. My first priority is to raise little Ty to be a rock-solid, man of God and the only way I know how to do that is to be a rock-solid, woman of God.

If we pass a man on the street in need of food, we are going to give him food; if we're standing in a crowded line of impatient shoppers, we are going to speak kindly; If we see an elderly woman struggling with her groceries, we are going to assist her; if a friend comes down with the flu, we are going to lay hands on them and pray. These are just a sampling of the scenarios that have begun to cross our path.

I want to love generously, whether Ty is around or not, but his presence makes it imperative. I try to take every opportunity to teach him the ways of our Father.

Last night we sat and watched some of the Haiti coverage and I was heart broken. My initial thought was...Who am I to complain about God's abandonment?...That country is a mess. What was even more sickening was the news coverage. Anderson Cooper was running live coverage all night and CNN showed footage of a 15 year old girl trapped between concrete with only her feet sticking out. Granted, they warned the audience of its graphic nature, but while she cried in pain, Anderson interpreted the situation and what the girl's family was trying to do.

I was frustrated, thinking, turn that freaking camera off and help find a solution! The devastation on the streets was palpable and the bodies piled haphazardly, overwhelming. I went to bed with a very heavy heart.

I woke up, this morning, thinking, it's not enough to talk about having compassion on the Haitian people, I have to do something. I went to Compassion International's website, knowing they would have a relief fund and donated what we could. It only takes $35.00 to sustain one family for two weeks with food and water. I used Compassion International because I know they bring the gospel everywhere they go and they were already stationed in Haiti for pre-existing support programs.

I have already explained Haiti's great need to Ty and the two of us are going to begin praying for that country, daily. If ever a land was in need of the miraculous, it's Haiti...and it's now.

Please click here if you'd like to give through Compassion International.


  1. I donated yesterday through World Vision but I was very disheartened to see a poll on It asked "Are you contributing to Haiti relief efforts?" Out of 176,000 people who responded, 65% of people said "no". It was the sadded results I've ever seen.

  2. Thanks Bek, for this info. I was looking for a reputable Christian organization to donate through, and your post came up just at the right time.

  3. We support Compassion too! Your son is going to move mountains for Christ, his ministry has already begun!

  4. I love your outlook and the things you're trying to teach Ty. And I love that you're helping Haiti.

    But I do have to defend the media (and Anderson Cooper) a little bit in this scenario. If he HAD turned the cameras off and helped the girl, you, along with millions of others, wouldn't have seen the coverage, you wouldn't have donated, and you wouldn't have written this blog post that will encourage others to donate as well.

    I realize that it seems like they're cold and callous when they simply report and don't do anything to help the people they see while they're physically there, but I think in the bigger picture, their jobs are as important as the rescuers, if not more. And I don't think for a second that Anderson Cooper or any other reporter over there is taking it lightly, or that it's easy for them not to be able to help.

    Just like a doctor can't grieve over every lost patient, the media can't help in every situation they're in. Professionalism and the nature of the job requires that you compartmentalize and disconnect yourself from that part.

    Just my two cents. :) Love your blog.

  5. You have touched my heart so many times with your raw honesty, your openness in times of both joy and pain.

    You have done it once again. I feel compelled to act and am inspired to motivate those around me to do so as well. I love your words "love generously".

    May we all do this - whereever we are, and whenever we someone in need.

    Thank you for this post.

  6. I am with you on this. I have had a heavy heart ever since the news hit. And talk about an awakening...I completely second the, "Who am I to complain about God's abandonment?" thought. Yeah, seriously.

    You are such a kind and caring person, Rebekah! You always have been and continue to be an inspiration to me with your steadfast faith.



  7. we could not give a better gift to our kids than teach them compassion and a giving heart. Love this.

  8. Rebekah,
    I am a long time reader, am young like yourself, and also wanted children upon marrying. I was blessed almost immediately with a pregnancy and my first son was born on my 22 birthday. Ive had 2 more sons pretty close together since then.

    With both of my sons I tore during childbirth. I was so shocked by the pain of childbirth but then to have to recover from tearing plus other injuries from birth left me asking God for answers and help. It's not much fun trying to bond with a new baby when you're flat on your back for weeks and in pain for months.

    This time I was convinced I would find a way to not tear and suffer other injuries. I believe in birthing without drugs and no intervention if at all possible and so I prayed, prayed, and prayed some more and did all sorts of things to help my skin's elasticity.

    When I went into labor I thought I was set. To make a long story short, I nearly died. I had to be rushed into emergency surgery after the birth and two blood transfusions. Thank the Lord my sweet baby was fine and sufferend no complications. But I will never forget the feeling that I may not be around to enjoy the children I have and the husband God has given me.

    Why am I sharing all of this? Since the birth I have been in a very bad place. What did I do wrong? Why did God ignore my plea? I have tried to honor God in my births by trying to avoid needless drugs and intervention and yet I nearly died.

    And then today God gave me my answer through a most amazing husband...who is also my pastor.

    I couldnt make it to church today since I am still on bedrest and he came home and spent time praying for me and sharing his sermon with me. Today's sermon was on the wedding at Cana. He spoke about the disaster in Haiti, the plagues that destroy this world from cancer to car crashes, and then asked, "How Lord are you willing to intervene at something as simple as a wedding and miraculously turn the water into wine and yet your mouth remains silent to our own desperate pleas that are so much more serious and painful than embarassment at a wedding?!"

    Then my husband looked right at me and said (which my husband has never spoken to me this way before directly and it nearly took my breath away), "The real question is, why do we assume that we deserve ANY good? Are you good? Why do you assume that you deserve God's answers, God's mercy, and God's grace? Because the truth is our sin seperates us from God and leaves us deserving of nothing but death. For the wages of sin is death." I sat shocked and suddenly could not hold back the tears. Then he smiled the sweetest smile and said, "Oh but fear not, because GOD IS GOOD. We are not, but HE IS. He does not leave us in death, but sends His son to die that we may live. We will continue to suffer. We will continue to feel seperation and loss and death and silence because everything is corrupted by sin. And when we do, when we feel all is lost and no answers are there, we hold tight to the cross and rejoice, For salvation is ours, Christ's death is our death and now we share in His life forever."

    So sweet Rebekah, I hope this brings peace to your heart. Our Jesus is Good and He loves you so much. Those years of silence were not punishement or anger nor are you responsible for trying to understand the mind of God or understand why you could not hear an answer...because the answer is that the cross screams life in moments of always stands before us reminding us that God's death is sufficient to cover ALL of our pain.

    So though I am no theologian perhaps that is the answer to your question...sometimes God just does not speak...He is still because He speaks to us in His cross where he lived your pain and the pain of ALL in those hours of agony. So do not burden yourself or feel like you were not listening close enough...God is indeed Good, He has answered your heart's cry, and salvation is yours!

  9. I just found your blog, and have spent the last couple hours reading through. I just want to thank you for sharing your story...there is so much that has resonated deeply with me! My Husband and I have been trying to get pregnant for nearly 2 years, and we're starting to discuss adoption (he has reservations, I don't). Anyway, the thing that made me decide to comment here was when you said that you can understand why women steel babies. I had that thought about a week or more ago, and felt bad...odd...for having it. I was just so relieved to read that you had felt the same! It's something you can't understand until a certain desperation sets in. Anyway, I will continue to read, and thank you again. And your son is gorgeous!!

  10. Oh - and because I hate to sound like a crazy woman, I just want to clarify that I wouldn't, under any circumstance, steal another mother's child!! I realized I could have sounded like I would. Good Lord! It's just that once you hit a bottom, an extreme desperation, you can see how some people do it. I hope it was obvious that's all I was saying to begin with!! :)
